Memory WTF

    Date: 12/04/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Ok, so I installed the new 1 gig stick in my PC (yay for Crucial's memory compatibility program and good advice!). I got the "new memory detected" screen before XP loads, and all looks fine, even after XP loads. The new memory is recognized on the properties page of My Computer as well. Yay!

    Or is it?

    I don't really notice much difference in performance - it still lags when I'm running more than one RAM-intensive program (DVDShrink, AVI movie on VLC, Utorrent, etc). I upgraded from 256 memory to 1 gig - shouldn't I notice more zip and pep in my PC's step? I know it's an old piece of shite, and I'm not expecting miracles, but I'd love to see some improvement from tripling the memory.

    On second look at the setup page (I hit F2 when the computer was booting), the memory stick is being recognized at it's full capacity, but the "Computer Memory" still registers only 250-something mb's of RAM. I can't change this setting from that page - is there somewhere else that I can change it, if that's what is preventing my 'puter from using all the new RAM? Do I need to do something to the BIOS (another suggestion)?

    From the setup page:
    Installed system memory: 1024 MB DDR SDRAM
    System memory speed: 266mhz
    System memory channel mode: Single
    AGP Apeture: 256mb

    Dell Dimension 2400, using XP.
    bios a103


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