Ick, Excel?

    Date: 12/09/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, asp

    I'm working with a museum that needs a better way to track visitors - whether they're members, why they came, etc. Right now they're using a log book which means that people write things that don't fit into the categories, skip anything they don't remember - well, it's a data disaster.

    It seems to me that they need a simple laptop at the reception desk with a program on it that allows input into specific categories and an easy way to name and add special events. This sounds like an Excel script to me, but since I have virtually no knowledge of Excel (beyond making pretty graphs) I'm not sure I'm right. Does this sound plausible to you? Or is there existing cheap-free software that does it better?

    If you know how to write such a script, how much should they budget paying a developer to do it?

    FYI, http://www.haywardareahistory.org/default.asp is the museum. TIA for any help and advice.

    edit: It should allow entries as visitors come in and provide a daily tally. Monthly and annual totals would be nice, too.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1134279.html

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