Excel 2007 Help?

    Date: 12/15/07 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    I'm not an Excel guru by any means. Here's where I am -

    I have a spreadsheet with 140,000 rows. Each row has a numeric ID, a date/time stamp, a fully-qualified domain name and another fully-qualified domain name. The first is the path to a web page, the second is the HTTP_REFERRER. Finally, there is an IP address.

    In essence, 140,000 rows from a web site's usage log, nicely formatted and placed in the appropriate fields.

    They're called "id" "timestamp" "domain" "referrer" and "hostaddress"

    What I need to do is create some charts that analyze this data.

    Specifically, a pie chart that shows how many hits there were to any given "domain" ... of the 140,000 rows, the "domain" field is one of about 250 different possible domains.

    I'd also like a pie chart showing the number of hits from the top 20 or so IP addresses, with everything else lumped as "other"

    A pie chart showing how many rows have data in "referrer" vs. how many rows do not would be useful.

    See where I'm going with this?

    Anyone guru-level on Excel 2007 who can help 'splain how I might accomplish this?

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1137171.html

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