2008 Fellow Award Nominations

    Date: 01/11/08 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: html, technology

    "The annual Computer History Museum Fellow Awards program publicly recognizes individuals of outstanding merit who have significantly contributed to advances in computing technology or applications, and to the evolution of the information age."

    It's time for nominations again, and the museum has opened the process to the public. This year they've opened the nomination process to the public.
    http://www.computerhistory.org/fellowawards/nominations for how to nominate.
    http://www.computerhistory.org/fellowawards/hall_of_fellows.html for a list of who's already in.

    This is a nice honor, and I hope some of you will think of people to nominate. In response to the white maleness of it all, I'm nominating Cynthia Harvey, Morgan State University/NASA, and Thelma Estrin. You can, too. Not that I"m against white males: I'm also hoping to get nominations for Will Wright and Sid Meier. That's an uphill battle, though, because the museum isn't very supportive of the games community. Still, if we start now, maybe we can gain some traction.

    Or maybe you know someone else who deserves recognition. This is the closest we have to Oscars for Geeks, so let's use it! Spread the word.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1141790.html

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