Don't Laugh at Me

    Date: 01/15/08 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm smart, but sometimes I'm just dumb/ditsy.

    I'm doing a build (using this mobo + processor if you're curious) based on 64bit gear.
    I have Adobe CS progs which currently run on Vista 32 bit. I REALLY want the Vista 64 bit now to save on upgrading later.

    Does Vista [64] have backwards compatibility to run as Vista 32 or just to run as Win XP?

    Hopefully that makes sense to people other than me. Common sense is telling me , "No, dumb arse." Hopefully it does. I like loopholes.

    [EDIT] Okay, if I buy
    Vista Ultimate DVD, I could (in theory) just install both 64 and 32 and swap between OSes if I need to go from hardcore to averagecore... right?


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