...stupid Dell...
Date: 04/12/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: no keywords
Hey guys, it's me again...
My friend was nice enough to give me an old Dell Dimension 4300 for $50
long story short, after troubleshooting a percieved motherboard issue, I found out that the CPU was missing connector pin. The chip also had burn marks, and the same burn marks are shown in the ZIFF socket.
I manage to (ie, forced) the cpu back into the socket, and manage to boot the pc.
I'm missing.... 4ish pins, with some noticeable char marks. I'm not betting on stability on the long run, but I need a functioning machine.
My questions are as followed:
1.) Is it a good idea to run the machine with the said damage?
2.) Aside from the slight burn marks on the socket, the mobo seems to be in working condition. Should I keep it, or switch it out?
Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/658344.html