Scavenging batteries from a C610

    Date: 04/24/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software, web

    I'm planning to build a wearable computer, using a Maci Mini, a Twiddler, and a pair of HUD glasses. Everything's covered, except a portable power supply.

    I have two batteries from my dead C610 (DP/N 3149C), which put out enough voltage (14.4V) to satisfy the Mac Mini (needs 12+V, or 20+V to run Firewire). I could just wire them directly and be done with it, but it would be nice to have a battery life indication on-screen.

    Does anybody know where I could get schematics or technical manuals for the batteries or the C610 itself? I tried Dell's website, but didn't find anything useful. I want to use the existing control circuits, but I'm not sure if that's more trouble than it's worth.

    And since I'm wandering blind: anybody ever try something like this? Am I overlooking an easier solution of some sort? I known some UPSes have feedback software using a USB port; is there any similar solution for portable batteries?


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