Backing up windows XP pro service packs and updates

    Date: 05/05/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    Awhile ago I remember reading that it was possible to back up windows updates and service packs to a CD. Since I am back at College and I am on a dial-up connection I realized that I would like to do this in case of a crash so I do not have to spend the rest of my life re-downloading the updates. Also I would like to be able to do this so that i can free up Harddrive room. Is there anything special that I need to do or can I just copy C:\WINDOWS\$NtServicePackUninstall$ and C:\i386 to a cd and than that is it? I can burn them to a CD than just simply double click the exe and be good to go? If not what files do I need to put SP2 and all other updates on a CD. I did try google however I did not know enough to turn up adequate results.


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