
    Date: 05/03/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: security, virus

    I am tired of trying to figure out what in the computer industry I want to do. When I ask for advice, my profs tell me to do in computers what interests you.
    So, when I ask questions about security, virus protection, why virus protection is so re-active and not pro-active, why the school seems to leave such HUGE holes open in there network ( and I see these and I have only really been "into" computers for 2 semesters, but reading for a year or so)
    Case in point, networking class. My prof is lecturing on how to install a windows OS. (Snooze time) Then he gets to the admin settings, and sets the one user as admin and one user as a limited user. Ok, I think, now talk about the Admin setting you get in safe mode......waiting...waiting......next topic. GREAT, I raise my hand, and ask.
    "No we set that already"
    No you didnt"
    Yes I did, see it here, see how it says ADMIN"
    "Yes, I see that but what happens when you start in safe mode and the Admin account is there with no password?"
    "That isn't the case, moving on"
    So, on our 15 min break I go up, restart the computer in safe mode, and leave it there, his admin, and the OTHER admin. He was shocked.........and all I can think is, great here comes the comment I get all the time.
    Prof.."I have to keep my eye on you, are you some sort of hacker?"
    NO idiot, I just read, and want to know what people know that exploit the system, and shouldn't you think the same way?????

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/676650.html

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