Date: 05/09/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: rss, xml, web

    What's the best - and free - way to add XML syndication feeds to a website?

    I'm working on my own site right now (unfortunately, I can't make the whole thing live until the DNS changes to my GoDaddy domain go through), and my goal is to have three separate blogs through Blogger.com...and I want to display a feed from the two secondary blogs on my front page (like have a section for a secondary blog, containing links and the first few lines from each article in that blog...). I know I can use FeedBurner to convert my Atom XML feeds to RSS, but either way, how do I make my site display the XML information?

    Thanks in advance!

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/680022.html

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