Help with Dell error codes, and troubleshooting

    Date: 06/05/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    For anybody with Dell motherboard diagnostic light knowledge:

    Short and sweet story on my Dell, After lightning storm, the computer would turn on, but would not perform a POST on the system, and thus wouldnt boot my system. I noted the following diagnostic light code, and pulled my hard drives of the machine so hopefully they wouldn't be damaged anymore than they have


    I've been in the Dell knowledge base, and it made no mention on what that code meant. I did a couple of googles, but I didnt see anything relating to the above code.

    To note, the night before I lost the PC, the system rebooted, and BIOS gave me a "missing primary partition error" (or something to that effect, I was groggy and couldn't read the lines straight, nor remember them clearly if I did read them correctly) It gave me the option to continue hitting f1, did so, and the computer booted normaly.

    And to that note too, I switched out hard drives, just to make sure it's not attributed to a fried disk, still no post (if you really think about it, a fried hard drive shouldnt really interfer with starting of the post test, unless that my prior training was wrong...)

    I'm not a complete pc guru, nor am I an idiot. I don't care that some of the readers like or hate Dell. For right now this is my primary system, and I am basically broke, so please no caustic comments or responses. Let me just ask my question, and hopefully someone with greater resources could help me.

    Thanks for any assistants given.


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