fucked up shit

    Date: 06/17/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    ruined my day

    newayz heres wut i got.

    DFI PS83-BL motherboard intel 865 chipset

    p4 3.06, 1 gig of ram (2x 512)

    it starts up, gets to the part of detecting the ide drives and shuts off.

    i was like WTF. i swapped the ide cables, still does the same, i took the ide drive off and saw if it would read the sata, nope it just shuts off.

    i tried to go into the cmos, couldnt.

    all it does is do this:

    memory detected "1 gig"

    detecthing ide drives . . .

    *shut off*

    so any suggestions ?

    x-posted like a mofo btw.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/708370.html

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