File sizes

    Date: 07/14/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux

    Ok, this is confusing.

    I have two machines - a server and a workstation - both running debian linux. Previously my workstation was Windows XP, so the main file disk (which has about 50GB of files on it) is compressed NTFS.

    I wanted to reformat this disk to ext3 so I rsynced (rsync -avz) the files over the network onto my server (yes, slow, but I don't have any free drive slots on my server). Before I reformat I needed to make sure that the files had copied ok.

    First, I tested the filesystem against the copy using du, but found a difference of about 5MB. In windows, comparing the directories found that the copy was missing 4 files.

    A diff -r of both directories showed nothing.

    Any ideas what could explain the missing data?

    Should I perhaps not use rsync to copy the files and instead copy it over using nfs or something?


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