Lame Nerd Question

    Date: 07/20/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, mysql, sql, web, linux, hosting, apache

    Here's what's happening:

    My company seems to be dragging its feet on upgrading the Solaris server on which I'm supposed to be running this website I'm developing. I've been hosting on my own external server, and when this summer internship is over, I have to move everything over regardless of whether or not the server is ready.

    Consequently, people in my department are trying to hunt down an extra Unix box for me to use as a pseudo-server until the real server is (finally) upgraded.

    So here's my question:

    I've only touched Unix very remotely, as in using an SSH command-line console with my school's web server. I'm a little familiar with basic Linux commands, but that's about it. How difficult would it be for someone like me (who only uses Linux when she has to for classes) to install Apache, PHP, and well as migrate over my existing website (currently running on a Red Hat 9 server with Apache, PHP 4.x, and MySQL 3.2.3 or something similar)?

    Any info would be greatly appreciated.


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