Programming (part two)

    Date: 07/31/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: php, programming, software, css, html, xml, database, asp, sql, java, security, web

    A few weeks ago, I asked about programming languages and which I should learn, and your reaction had me thinking that I could have offered more info about what I hoped to do with computers. My request was so vague that I can see why you found it difficult to reply. Perhaps this time I'll do better.

    To make things easier, I'm providing a list of what I want to do, and I ask you if you know what languages or applications I should consider in order to fulfill my technological goals.

    I'd like to:

    1. build web pages
    2. provide internet security for large & small clients
    3. make computer games
    4. build my own OS from scratch (a big task, I know)
    5. create, edit, download, and manipulate multi-media images and files
    6. develop application software
    7. build and manage my own server
    8. develop databases
    9. get a general feel for everything else, in case I ever need it

    So my current list of stuff I wish to learn now includes:
    • Java
    • Java Script
    • Perl
    • C, C+, & C++
    • PHP
    • SQL
    • CSS
    • HTML
    • XML
    • Adobe Photoshop
    • Adobe Illustrator
    • Flash & Dreamweaver
    • .Net (,, C#)
    • CGI

    If you know anything about the above, feel free to post:

    What are each of the above used for? How did it come out? Are any of them similar or used for similar tasks? Etc., etc., etc.

    Finally, I was told to learn some Assembly language, but unless I am mistaken, I think I learned that already. If someone could give me a rundown on what it is, I could be sure if its what I think it is. I think I learned 8086 in my day (came with a card, too), so all I have to do is review it I think.

    Your help and suggestions are welcome and I thank you in advance for your time.


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