DMA error

    Date: 08/02/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords


    I recently started getting the odd error:

    dma_intr: error = 0x84 { DriveStatusError BadCRC}
    dma_intr: status=0x51 {DriveReadySeekComplete Error}

    I did some googling and descovered that this is most likely either a) my disk about to crash, b) my motherboard about to fry, c) my controller not entirely supported.

    The latter two seem most likely since it occured on both drives.

    I have since recompiled the kernel to exclude the udma driver and the problem seems to have stopped occuring. What I would like to know however is if these errors will have resulted in data loss or if the driver would have attempted to write the data again.

    This is particularly important since the machine has been running for about a day with this kernel and I only noticed this when attempting to diagnose another problem...



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