Case/Project Based Time Management Software

    Date: 08/08/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    Does anyone know of any free (as in beer, preferably as in speech (i.e. Open Source) as well) software to handle time sheeting in a multi project/case environment? Basically what we need is something that will allow people to set up tasks and then log time against it so we can extract reports.


    Edit to add

    I thought I'd better give a more detailed description of what we're looking for.

    It for a trade union office where we have a number of shopstewards (over 100) who work on cases on behalf of members. Cases broadly divide into Representations (representing members individually in displinary procedures, grievence procedures &c or assisting another steward in such tasks), Consultations (not representing any particular member but negotiating on behalf of the members as a group or a subset (e.g. everyone in a particular department) with management) or Administration (internal meetings, training &c). Each case involves a number of tasks such as meetings, preparing documents, training sessions &c. What we're looking for is somethng that will allow each steward to record their time against tasks in different cases so that we can report on how much time a particular steward has spent on union tasks, how much time as been spent on particular sorts of cases (e.g. grievences relating to racial harrassment, consultations on departmental restructuring &c) and whatever else we need to know about so that we can ensure that our time is being used effectively.


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