Creating a password policy for Mac OS X (10.3.x)

    Date: 08/25/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Does anyone know how one would implement a password policy in Mac OS X? I looked into pwpolicy, but apparently it requires OS X Server. Unfortunatly, it wouldn't be remotely possible for me to get OS X Server up, so I don't think pwpolicy would work for me. It's so easy to do in Windows XP, but seems like a missing feature in OS X. But, you'd think with the UNIX style subsystem of OS X, you could use passwd or chpass or something in a shell script. I am no shell scripter though.

    I'd like to set a minimum password length of 6 characters, a maximum password age of 90 days, a password history of 8, and require passwords to be alphanumeric with both upper and lower case.

    Can anyone help?


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