Date: 09/27/05
(Computer Geeks) Keywords: web

Oh damn. I hate this. Of ALL the people who bought a Viewsonic VA702b
from newegg (and left a review,) I'm the only one who gets a stuck
pixel. It's on yellow, and is, of course, RIGHT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE
F**KING SCREEN. It's no problem when I'm surfing the web or something
text-based, but movies or games will not be fun. I can't return the
monitor because it's only warranted through viewsonic, and they wont do
a damn because it has to be 8 or more pixel anomalies.
I've tried the psp pixel fixer movie that's been around for a while, and left it on ALL night, but to no avail.
Anyone have suggestions on how I can fix this??? Thank you so much in advance.