Security question??

    Date: 10/15/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: security

    Currently I have an XP home system receiving incoming calls. I’ve done this so I can connect to my network from anywhere, that has a phone, and download files I need or if I need access to the internet and the place I’m at currently has none. I do onsite PC repairs and this comes in handy on occasions. Yesterday I inadvertently left my “RAS” machine off and when I got home the answering machine, I never bothered to unplug, had several messages. I listened to the messages and found three of them sounded like computers trying to contact my computer then several hangups.

    First off, is anyone still war dialing?? I can’t think of any other way someone could have found out that my phone is usually directly connected to a PC that picks up. Secondly, I do have authentication turned on requiring a user ID and password, not strong ones though since I thought the chances of someone even looking for a system to crack in that way was for the most part pas se'.

    Regardless, down to the question, is there a way in XP home to limit the attempts before hanging up to just one?? Eventually I’m going to use a FreeBSD system as a file server with remote access (which I know has much more to offer in the way of security options), but I’m having trouble putting it together so I’m using my XP system for the task. This is also my main system so in my paranoia I’m a bit afraid that someone might…whatever, I just don’t want them in. Any other suggestions will be appreciated.


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