Question time!

    Date: 12/20/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: linux

    I'm sure this has been posted before, but here goes:

    I am wanting to install some flavor of Linux on my laptop. I'm doing a full reformat with three OS partitions and a data partition, to install OS x86, Windows XP, and Linux. I've had some experience with Knoppix, Ubuntu, Suse, and Red Hat. I'm more familiar with KDE, and I'm looking for something that will be relatively painless to install, but that I can still learn about and make good use of. I'm going to be installing on a Dell Latitude D600, and I'd love for all the hardware to work natively - especially my 1400x1050 ATI Mobile 9000 adapter and my Intel PRO/Wireless 2200 B/G internal card. Does anyone have any suggestions for me?

    Thanks in advance.


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