Super PSJoy problem

    Date: 12/22/05 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I tried posting about this in other communities but no one could help.

    This is kind of a weird problem. I've got a Super PSJoy adaptor so I can use my PS2 controller on my PC, but when I have the controller hooked up, GTA: San Andreas won't boot up. If I unhook the controller, GTA will run normally. If I hook up the controller while the game is already running, it doesn't work.

    I've never had this problem with any other game. I've tried reinstalling both GTA and the PSJoy. Any ideas?

    I'm running an XP Pro system. Athlon XP3000+, 1gig RAM, GeForce FX5500 256Mb.

    If anyone can help, or knows where I'd be able to find help, I'd appreciate it. Tech support for a PSJoy is just about non-existent.


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