I think I have a virus or trojan or worm

    Date: 01/07/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: software

    I keep getting a popup on my screen that tells me that my Registry is corrupted, then it directs me to various URLs, not to the Windows Update site. I think that this is either an attempt to break into my computer, steal my personal info, or just get me to buy unecessary and suspicious software.

    some of the links it wants me to visit are:

    • www.winregistrycleaner.com
    • www.RegistryFixGold.com
    • www.msregistrycleaner.com
    • www.updatepatch.com
    • www.updateregistry.com
    • myregfix.com

    I just reformatted my HD with Windows XP so there shouldn't be many causes. Also the problem didn't start until after I went online.

    What do you think is causing this?

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/851999.html

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