Server Issues

    Date: 01/09/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web, apache

    At my job we seem to not have the most competant IT department, so in my effort to help rather than criticize I'm looking into ways to help them out. One of the problems that they seem to have is that their web server (which I'm assuming has IIS 6, or maybe 5) will get bogged down to the point where it has to be rebooted. They host a mix of .NET and Frontpage pages. I seriously doubt that this is how things are "supposed" to be, because then Apache would have a great ace in the hole. Anyways since I'm not very good at server administration (and apparently neither are these guys) is there anything any of you can think of that would cause such problems? It seems like there's a problem with resources not being freed up or something along those lines. If anyone has any ideas/experiences with this it would be appreciated. Thank you.


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