Dell Laptop video Problem

    Date: 01/14/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Dell laptops now suck.
    My sister's laptop screen started showing random pretty colors when she started it up (only sometimes). She couldn't see the bootup or windows or anything. I called Dell and they said "well, you can take out the video card and put it in your PC to test it" - I was totally surprised by that.

    The problem happened again today, and she said "it keeps happeneing every time I tap/hit the bottom!" I opened it up following Dell's online instructions, and lo and behold, the video card is nothing like a normal AGP video card. It def cannot go into a PC. What I did notice is that the instructions said UNSCREW THE 2 SCREWS HOLDING IN THE VIDEO CARD.

    There were no screws holding down the video card. Something tells me that the card was moving when she bumped the bottom. I found some tiny screws (they needed to be allen-wrenched into place, so I can't lose that), and now the card is in the correct spot.

    Hopefully, won't happen again.

    Dell Inspiron 5100 - purchased in Summer 2003


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