HP BIOS and motherboard issues.

    Date: 01/17/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: web

    It's time for me to reinstall XP. However, while Windows has no problem reading CDs, my BIOS (PhoenixBIOS 4.0 release 6.0.5) doesn't recognise the newer CD-ROM drive I've installed.

    I could open up the box and put in the old CD drive just to for the reinstall, but I want to update the BIOS, as it's last been updated on 9/12/2000.

    Here's the tricky bit. My computer, an ancient HP Pavilion XE783 does not have updated drivers available at either the HP site, the Phoenix site, nor the Asus site. Nor can I find updates anywhere else on the web. According to the HP site (link), my motherboard is a CUW-AM, however, this page for the Intel 810 (link) lists my desktop model as having that motherboard.

    My question is: Can/should I find a BIOS update for the i810, and/or the MEW-AM motherboard (which I can't determine to be the same thing?)

    Thank you kindly.

    Source: http://www.livejournal.com/community/computergeeks/862093.html

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