HL2/CS:S Problem

    Date: 01/23/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi, for my birthday I recieved Half Life 2 Retail CD. My birthday was in September of last year. It still won't work, neither Half Life 2, Counter Strike: Source, nor Half Life 2: DM. The problem is that when the game launches, it gets to the loading screen [in all 3 games], and then crashes back to the desktop. I've tried contacting Steam twice for tech support, and they were useless. I had a skilled friend try, and nothing. So...can you offer help? My specs are:

    Windows XP
    Intel P4 2.4 GHz
    120 GBs
    512 RAM
    GeForce 5200

    Also to note, its not the copy of the game because I've tried installing with different versions. And I can run games on this system, such as BF2, Call of Duty 2, and Doom 3. Thanks for all your help.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/867745.html

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