more media hysterics over PC security

    Date: 01/27/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: virus

    Figures gathered by Telewest [cable internet company] suggest that protecting yourself against viruses, phishing attacks and other mail-borne attacks can be expensive.

    The average cost of fixing or replacing a computer infected by a virus comes out as £261.61 [approx $470] according to its estimates.

    That's right, they said average...
    I don't know about you but it has never cost me a single penny to fix a virus infected PC. Admittedly I know what I'm doing, but I am guessing the maximum cost should be about £100, £50 for PC World to scan/clean it and £50 for the copy of Norton/McAffee they force upon you. £260 is in the region of "OMG i've got a virus, I can't use this again, must buy a new one from dell..."

    (or have I been missing something every-time I've cleaned a PC?)


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