
    Date: 01/30/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: asp

    Anyone have or know information on a working XF86Config XF86Config-4
    File for Sun Enterprise 250 Server . Have tried Sun, Goggle. Openboot.
    Read Bbs for Debian, Gentoo and freeBSD, so far no go.

    Loaded freeBSD sparc64...
    Tex Live CD sparc64 5.6...
    Gentoo sparc64...
    Debian sparc64...

    Tried there configuring setups and all the XF86Config , XF86Config-4 files they make do not work.

    Hardware is as follows:

    2 x 400Mhz UltraSPARC CPU's
    Sun Ethernet card on the Motherboard.
    ATI Technologies Inc. 3D Rage I/II 215GT Mach64 GT video card.
    6 x Seagate Cheetah ST318203LC SCSI HDD
    1 SCSI CD

    Any input would be much appreciated.
    Really wand *.nix on my Sun Enterprise 250 Server .

    Thank you, Finder.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/872804.html

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