firefox and embedding an external program as an icon on the status bar

    Date: 02/06/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: browser, html, web

    This question might require some coding skills why I posted it here. I listen to alot of music while browsing the web and find myself having to leave the browser constantly to change the volume. i know with foxytunes you can control it within the browser but that is just for the programs volume. For the xp volume you have to leave the browser(I have a terrible sound card so what I have to do) I found this program: and it has made it alot easier for me but I still have to go to the taskbar to click it. Is there anyway I can embed that into firefox as a bookmark or toolbar? that would be perfect seeing i'd only have to click a button to raise the xp volume

    any help would be greatly appreciated

    *any other way, or programs to embed the xp volume control into firefox would also be appreciated...but just embedding that program would be perfect; either as a toolbar or bookmark but in the status bar preferably


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