Would it be worth it?

    Date: 02/09/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Don't think this is so much of a "How Do I"? as aopposed to a "Should I"? question.

    I have Tivo
    I have VCR/DVD player combo
    I have a boatload of shit on video cassette tapes

    In a newspaper flyer there was an ad for a DVD recorder for about $100 from Daewoo.


    1) Does that seem like a good price?
    2) How much of an 8 hour VCR casette can I get on one DVD?
    3) If I got the recorder, could I get rid of the combo machine?

    Cross-posted to my own LJ.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/876755.html

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