Walking the OT Line...

    Date: 02/21/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm asking this here because I don't know where else to ask and I don't feel like joining a community to ask what is basically a "poll" question. Anyways I'm looking to get a new cell phone soon. I'm looking to kinda go all out with a Treo or an equivalent, and I'm wondering about the OS that I should go for. Basically its between Palm and Windows Mobile. The fact that WM has its portable versions of Office and that the .NET Framework can be used in it is appealing to me. However, it doesn't look like many phones support WM, and the newest Treo that does is exclusively available with Verizon (I have Cingular and am not switching.) Does anyone have any experience with either OS in cell phones? Should I go for the WM with all its MS adaptability or go with Palm's more established system? Thanks.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/882153.html

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