Problems when going full screen

    Date: 02/26/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi, first time posting here, and I already come with a problem.
    I use Windows XP SP2 on an eMachines T1150(yeah, i know, really bad choice).
    Lately, whenever I go full screen with a game or Windows Media Player Classic, I get booted out of it because of another program that just appears.
    I can't seem to find the name of it, as the taskbar doesn't display the name of the program.
    I tried looking under the Task Manager when the program popped up, but I can't find it under my UserName.
    The weird thing is that this 'pop-up' doesn't show any windows and only appears whenever I go into full screen mode for other programs.
    I scanned with Ad-Aware, but nothing was solved...

    Any ideas how to fix this?

    EDIT: I now noticed that this 'pop-up' program does appear even when I'm not in full screen mode. I'm guessing this is bad.


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