This is so totally not cool... [eBay]

    Date: 03/02/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: ebay

    Full of linkage so you see the whole picture, LJ cut for your viewing pleasure...

    So I've recently won a laptop off ebay from the seller mrbiggs228. All is well and the laptop has been shipped [while I have not yet received it I do have the tracking number]. So he leaves me positive feedback and all that goodness, and suddenly a few days later I recieve an email from Ebay stating this:

    "Our records show that you were a bidder or buyer of one or more of this seller's items. We recently removed this seller's active listings and suspended the seller's trading privileges. Due to privacy concerns we cannot share further details about this seller."

    I trust this seller, he has a rating of 44 with only 2 negative feedbacks, which after review were not justifiable. Also I recently found out that the bidder 123devonj with a feedback rating of NEGATIVE THREE (-3!) [all of which bash the buyer as a fraud] won a laptop from mrbiggs228. Well what a flippin' coinsidence that suddenly mrbiggs228 is banned! What crap is this?! I've sent multiple emails to ebay trying to figure out what's going on, and maybe clear mrbiggs228's name. I haven't even had the pleasure of leaving him positive feedback! Also, somehow I've been prohibited from contacting either member directly, even when not through ebay, at least that's all I can figure out since I've not received replies and ebay sends notifications of blocked responses... weird...

    Anybody else here witness such nonsense on ebay? It goes to show how careful you have to be when dealing with frauds.


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