Digital Video

    Date: 03/04/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Okay, after owning my video iPod for a total of 48 hours, I have decided that I need to produce video podcasts - especially after viewing Tiki Bar. Those who have seen my photography will attest to the fact that I have tons of sexy on-air talent available. And I'm funny. No, really, I am. Okay, maybe I'm not, but I know people who are (and I know where they live and where their bodies are buried).


    Adobe Premiere - check. Got it (it was cheaper to get the whole CS2-everything than just the apps I needed. Go figure)

    Mondo powerful computer with kick-ass graphics and sound - check. I'm a nerd. Sue me.

    Sound editing equipment - check. I produce electronic music for fun. I say "for fun" because I likely suck at it. I've got more money than talent, to be sure.

    What I don't have - a video camera or two. I also don't have a clue. But that's why I'm posting here. Presume I have more money than brains (a decent presumption). What else do I need? What kind of cameras?

    Is there an LJ community for idiots like me who want to jump on the latest bandwagon?


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