Weird sounds (I think..)

    Date: 03/14/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I got a new Alienware PC for Xmas and it works great. Games like HL2 and UT2k4 that used to bog down my old PC run like a dream now. Anyways these machines aren't known for their "quietness." I didn't opt for the extra quiet cooling systems so basically I have about 4 fans running in the machine. I don't mind the extra noise, but recently I think the computer has been making more of a grinding sound, or like a low-level "grrr" sound. It doesn't do this all the time, but it comes and goes often. Its not like a loud grinding noise like you'd hear if your fan was screwed up or something was vibrating against the side constantly. I can't tell where this is coming from. It sounds like it is coming from the back of the computer, either near the fan or the power supply. The computer still runs fine, but I don't want to just ignore this if this is a major issue and then one day my computer explodes or does whatever that screws up my hardware (I only have a 1-year warranty, although I may upgrade that since I have more money now.) Does this sound familiar to anyone? Should I be really concerned or is this like a "don't worry unless the machine starts malfunctioning"? In case it helps here are the system specs:

    AMD Athlon X2 4400+
    1 GB RAM
    250GB HD
    Nvidia GeForce 7800GT
    AC'97 7.1 Built in Sound Card



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