Certification questions

    Date: 03/21/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    I'm at a point in my degree that I want to decorate my resume with some certifications. I'm currently working at the HelpDesk at school and would like to stay in that general area.

    Right now I'm looking at taking A+, Network+, Sercurity+ and am wondering if it's worth taking the exam prep classes? From the research I've done, I could pass the A+ and the Network+ based on some of the course work I've done. So the question is, is it worth paying the $600 or more for the prep class? Is there any reason that I couldn't get a good cram book and pass? I've had hardware and OS classes, and use Windows and Macs at work.


    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/898874.html

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