Anyone plays Diablo 2 LOD? Game running issue.

    Date: 04/04/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hi guys and girls.

    I'm having problem with my Diablo 2 and LOD addon. Both original CDs. It installs just fine, but when I start the game, it keeps telling me that I don't have CD in my drive even when I do have. I have tried both of my CDdrives. I also made iso image with alcohon 120% and tried it with daemon tools. Still the same problem. I also patched the game to latest 1.11 version. It didn't help. The CD is fine, I installed the game on other computer and it works just fine there. Can anyone help me to get to play my favourite PC game? I always play on bnet so other versions than 1.11 wont help me. Please some ideas what I could try? I'm not very eager to buy a new DVDburner only because it _might_ work on it. Also I haven't been able to find noCD crack for 1.11, which I also shouldn't be using since I have the original CDs.


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