Limited or No Connectivity error message

    Date: 04/05/06 (Computer Geeks)    Keywords: google

    Heya folks,

    I just got broadband today. Go me! Anyway, As soon as I got connected, I got this message on the taskbar that went "This connection has limited or no connectivity. You might not be able to access the Internet or some network resources. For more information, click this message."

    Well, I could access the internet and my average download speed without download managers is around 50-60kb/s on a 512kbps subscription. I've googled the problem and it seems like machines with Windows XP SP2 are affected. I've downloaded and applied the patch, but it's still there. Should I be concerned about it? Or could I just go right ahead and turn it off?

    As you guys could prolly tell, it's the first time I've ever had broadband at home (*single tear*). I don't really know what kind of speed I should expect from this kind of connection.

    Thanks in advance!


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