Free website magazine
Date: 03/11/09
Keywords: web
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1247334.html
When BMW designs a computer case
Date: 03/09/09
Keywords: browser
When BMW tries to design a computer case, this happens:
At CeBIT, Thermaltake showed a case they designed with cooperation from BMW for Thermaltake's 10th anniversary. Instead of one case it puts everything inside their own compartments.
My reactions to the photos were:
- Errrrr...
- This makes either really GOOD airflow, or really BAD airflow.
- At least the power supply is getting good airflow?
- Installing drives are probably going to be a PITA
- This is kinda ugly
- Get an Antec 900 or CoolerMaster Centurion 590 if you really want good airflow
[edit: The drives aren't getting ANY airflow. What were they thinking??]
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1247203.html
Code Monkeys?
Date: 03/08/09
Keywords: php, asp, web
I'm looking for code, preferably PHP using GD2, but I'll take just about anything web-based server-side (so ASP.NET/C# is also fine) that generates a monthly calendar, graphically.
In essence, I have all the calendar data, and need to generate a GIF or PNG (or even JPG) of that calendar based on the data, suitable for back-ending into a URL so others can post it as an image on their web page.
I'm very familiar with real-time graphical generation, but I suspect there's existing open source code out there that does the drawing of the cells for each day and such that will save me a lot of time.
Any pointers greatly appreciated!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1246771.html
Taking bets starting today
Date: 03/05/09
Keywords: no keywords
Which of the following will happen first?
- ReactOS actually going into beta
- Duke Nukem Forever released
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1246208.html
Java programming assignment help
Date: 03/03/09
Keywords: programming, java, web
Hello, I'm looking for some help with a Java programming assignment.
The assignment is to create a program in which the user can enter the number of dice they wish to roll and a score. The program is supposed to calculate the probability of the score occurring when their dice have been rolled 100,000 times.
I am unsure of how to create multiple dice. We've been looking at programs in which you roll one or two dice and then do something with the outcome. How would I go about making it possible to add up the scores of many dice (the user's choice of # of dice, to be exact)? I've formed a primitive Scanner for this but don't know what to add.
This is all within the class "DiceTester". I have a class "SimpleDice" set up to randomly select a number 1-6 when a die is rolled.
Scanner scanDie = new Scanner(System.in); // first scanner
System.out.println("Enter number of dice");
int n = scanDie.readInt(); // this is where user enters # of dice
if (n < 0) // if user enters # less than 0
System.out.println("Error: Number must be 0 or greater."); // there will be an error
Scanner scanScore = new Scanner(System.in); // second scanner
SimpleDice d = new SimpleDice();
System.out.println("Enter score");
int m = scanScore.readInt(); // this is where user enters score
if (m < 0) // if user enters score less than 0
System.out.println("Error: Score must be 0 or greater"); // there will be an error
int tossCount = 100000; // this is the total # of tosses (designated by assignemnt)
int scoreCt = m; // this is saying that the # the user entered (m) is now the score count
int tossResult;
for(int j = 0; j < tossCount; j++){ // for loop used to add up tosses
tossResult = d.throwDice();
if(tossResult == m) scoreCt++;}
System.out.println("Success Rate: " + ((double)scoreCt)/tossCount); // this divides the #of times m occurred by the #of times the dice were rolled
Any help (even a link to a website that might have useful information) would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for taking the time to look at this.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1245562.html
Fuck Spyware!
Date: 03/02/09
Keywords: virus, spyware
Since last night I've been getting Spyware messages sayig my system is being infiltrated and there's a virus. That may be true and it's spyware! Never installed it, it installed itselfand it won't go aaway. Thought I had it licked yesterday afternoon but it popped up again this morning.
How the fuck do I get rid of it permanently?!?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1245306.html
Creative HOT VIDEO ))
Date: 03/01/09
Keywords: no keywords
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1245023.html
I found an old computer in the garage..
Date: 02/28/09
Keywords: no keywords
I'm trying to figure out if it's compatiable to play a game because I wanted to hook it up for my mom..
It's got 2.20 GHz, 504 MB of RAM with a Intel Celeron.
It's seems ok but here's the thing~ The C drive is totally full.. everything you do, there's always an hourglass and it seems like its workin kinda hard even just to open up folders on the desktop. When I open up Windows Task Manager, it says it's 100% under processes. -.-
C: drive only has 5.99 GB (which is full.. has hardly anything on it but the operating system, i guess)
E: drive has 25.7 and F: drive has 11.5? Does that make sense? Some pleeeasse help me out, I'm thinking I can just use my Windows XP disc and reinstall onto the E: drive since it's the largest. Last time I reinstalled a computer, I totally deleted the operating system and then it wouldnt let reinstall it. I had to end up paying someone to fix it for me. I deleted drivers or something..
Right now this is what I see in the add/remove programs list:
Intel Extreme Graphic driver
FTDI USB Serial Converter Drivers
Realtek AC'97 audio
If I try to reinstall, will I have trouble booting back up? D; Do I need to save any files or drivers onto a disc?
Help me out, I need a geek <3 and please speak to me in a way I can understand! You guys seem to be a certain breed.. you have a different language heheh thanks so much.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1244630.html
borland c compiler trouble
Date: 02/25/09
Keywords: programming
I would like to start programming and developing applications in C++. I'm having trouble configuring Borland's C 5.5 Compiler though. I got the freecommandlandtools.exe, and installed it. Then, well, I went online and checked out a Wikihow article as how to configure it. Please, tell me I did something right. By the way when I tried compiling a Hello world program nothing happened so something happened wrong when trying to edit these text files.
The URL of the page is
When it tells you the paths to save the files in, rather than whatever they put (please read because I can't remember what it was) but I have the compiler in c:\bcc, for easy access.
Could someone direct how to set this up?
Thanks in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1244336.html
i need to simplify my life
Date: 02/24/09
Keywords: web, linux, spam
OK I'm really looking for two things here.
1. I have multiple email accounts that I would like to consolidate into one portable space. I don't know if there is a webmail program that I could install on my webspace or something that could use pop email (the one that my webhost uses sucks and i hate it). I have a lot of mailing lists and all kinds of crap saved into thunderbird, but whenever I want to send an email I have to use this computer and that's becoming more and more of a pain in the ass. I've tried zenbe and I don't like it. I don't want to use gmail's feature to import pop accounts because i'm not too crazy about gmail (or any other free webmail for that matter) having access to all these emails that i'm using for my other thing. I don't want to use like portable thunderbird because it's not cross-platform (i use linux, windows and mac osx all on a regular basis) and I would like it to be web-based so I don't have to fuck with my flash drive every time I want to check my email. Something like this has to exist, and I'm sure it's free, I just don't know where to look anymore.
2. I would like to know where I can send text messages from the internet. I don't know if just emailing a phone number works all the time. I send text messages to multiple people on a pretty regular basis (not spam but reminders about meetings and stuff) and I'm eating up all my text messages on my non-unlimited plan. This also must exist too, I just don't know where to find it.
Thanks for any help you can give me!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1244010.html
Cat 5/5e/6
Date: 02/21/09
Keywords: no keywords
Without actually having the box it came in, is there a quick way to determine if a cable is cat 5/5e/6? From what I read, it seems that Cat6 cables are physically thicker than the others, but that isn't helpful if I don't have two different cables to compare.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1243756.html
at my wits end here
Date: 02/20/09
Keywords: browser
Windows: XP
Browser: IE7
What is __PTAWIA?
Usually after an hour or so of internet usage the system locks up. Can't open new windows, certain menus won't open, can't right click anything, most icons on desktop won't go anywhere, etc. Only thing that works continues to work is the mouse and that's only if you enjoy moving it around pointlessly.
Rebooting fixes the problem...which is the only reason I know what the name of the thing is cuz it has to shut that down before it can shut itself down. Tried running searches for it but whatever the bloody thing is it's not attached to anything on the hardrive of the same name.
Thought it was just on this one system I most often use but I've run into the same difficulty when I was using
Raven's setup too.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1243548.html
BH beta on again
Date: 02/19/09
Keywords: no keywords
Battlefield Heroes beta signups is on again as of yesterday.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1243370.html
starting salary for a programmer with their masters?
Date: 02/18/09
Keywords: yahoo
Does anyone know what average starting salary for someone with a masters degree in Computer Science should be for the New England area? I've checked Salary.com but I'm not sure how accurate it is and was hoping that some kinda programmer out there would be willing to offer what their starting salary was. I ask because my husband is in his final semester of his degree and the school would like to keep him there for an additional year for him to help a professor with something he is working on. The idea is he could take longer to finish his thesis and also gain some work experience for his resume. They asked him to tell them how much he would like for money for the assignment. He doesn't want to ask for to little but he also knows that the university has limited funds. If you are not comfy with sharing this info on here for everyone to see but would like to tell me you can e-mail me at wynkengirl@yahoo.com. Thank you!
I hope that the topic of this post is acceptable for this community- if not please delete this, and i apologize in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1242966.html
Date: 02/17/09
Keywords: css, web
Let's say that I have a web page that uses a CSS style sheet loaded externally. I have no control over it.
This style sheet sets the margin attribute on the li element to 5 pixels.
In a class definition, I declare myclass.li to have certain attributes, and if I don't specify a margin, I get the value of 5 pixels as defined in the external CSS file.
So while I could specifically set margin to 0 pixels, I'd like to be able to say, "for this class's styling of li, please start from scratch."
Can that be done?
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1242625.html
Wireless Router used to listen to music
Date: 02/17/09
Keywords: microsoft
You guys are all going to laugh when you hear I am working with less than 400 mb of free space on my harddrive.
I would like to move say my music on to an external hd. Easy enough would not requirement me to post on here. The problem is I am sick and tired of hooking up the USB cable when I am on my laptop in bed. I went out and bought the Buffalo 500 gig LinkStation.
Get home, plug the new harddrive into the router. If I click in my network place. Nothing shows up...not even the 10/100 or wireless icon and yet it works fine so I don't mess with it. The only way for me to transfer files from my laptop HD to the Buffalo HD is through the Buffalo program (NAS navigator) they give you. The harddrive does not show up in either my networks or my computer.
I would like to put music that I use less frequently but still listen to on this harddrive and be able to play it in itunes. When I go into itunes and browse I see my networks..click on it and go into entire network...then Microsoft network and then slows down and brings me to workgroup
What am I doing wrong? I would like to free up space on this harddrive without using wires. Any help would GREAT!
Specs on the laptop:
IBM thinkpad
OS:Windows XP
Wireless capable
Verizon Fios router
xp posted
Solved...I had to map out the drive
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1242532.html
Web Hosting
Date: 02/17/09
Keywords: no keywords
I'm sure this is the millionth question on this topic, so I apologize! I just started working for a new boss who is not technologically savvy whatsoever and he'd like me to find a service to host a domain name he already has. It should be something fairly inexpensive, for either a personal or small business package. And since I'll be creating the page for him (and I have no experience), some simple page creating tools on the service would be extremely helpful.
Any ideas? I've heard good things about One and One...any others? Thanks!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1242344.html
Changed IP address now can't access internet.
Date: 02/14/09
Keywords: no keywords
Help! I accidentally changed my IP address. I tried to change it back by going to ipconfig in command prompt and it says the default gateway is o.o.o.o ... How do I correct this!? I use a router and the router itself is working but it's not able to connect to my computer. Thanks for all the help in advance!
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1242009.html
Half Life - Escape From City 17
Date: 02/14/09
Keywords: no keywords
Warning: Violence and blood.
Gameguru Mania quote:
The Escape From City 17 short film series is an adaptation based on the Half Life computer game saga by Valve Corporation. Originally envisioned as a project to test out numerous post production techniques, as well as a spec commercial, it ballooned into a multi part series. Filmed guerilla style with no money, no time, no crew, no script, the first two episodes were made from beginning to end on a budget of $500.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1241738.html
Power Spplies can.. Short?
Date: 02/10/09
Keywords: no keywords
Heya computergeeks members.
Long story short: Do power supplies short-circuit?
Short story long: I was writing up a lab report up until 5 in the morning today, and set it to print as soon as I turned on the lights in the room in about two hours. The room where this computer is has one outlet that is controlled by the wall switch (the printer is plugged into this), and two outlets that work all the time (my computer was plugged into one of these. I turned my printer on, and then turned the light switch off (so that the printer would be on when the ligtht swtich is turned on), and then plugged it into a USB hub attached to my desktop, made sure the print jobs were still there, and then went to bed for the short two hours I had to spare.
Two hours later I woke up at the smell of burning plastic, and my housemate complained the house smelled like plastic but he couldn't find the cause. I have three computers I had on, so I checked all three, but they were not on fire -- in fact, nothing looked like it was on fire, so I looked elsewhere. Finally I noticed the computer I had worked on my lab report was off even though I had left it on when I had went to sleep two hours prior. I kicked on the switch, and bright flashes of sparks came shooting out the back of the computer. I hit the circuit breaker and unplugged the plastic-smelling desktop with socks on my hands (perhaps a life saving device?)
I have never seen a computer blow up like that, so I won't know what caused it. Sparks makes me assume something happed with the power, thus the power supply, but I'm curious if turning the printer off, and then hitting the wall switch perhaps let a big charge of electricity flow into the desktop when I plugged the USB cable in (can USB carry such a high voltage?)
This is such a bother I just bought a new Serial ATA hard drive to store personal files, and all of my external hard drive cases are designed for ye olde ribbon-style IDE hard drives.
So.. is it my power supply that's the culprint?
If it shorted, how can I tell? I have a simple volt/amp/om-meter, a screw driver, and some time to kill this weekend.
And if not, what could have caused sparks to fly out of my computer accompanied by a sickening stench of burning plastic?
I took a quick sweeping glance inside the case when I got home from work, and I don't see any obvious signs of burning/melting.
Source: http://community.livejournal.com/computergeeks/1241475.html