1. My open source project

    Date: 01/07/13     Keywords: google


    I want to share with you my open source project.

    The purpose of my project is to demonstrate my visual filter builder WPF control in use. FilesFilter application allows you to filter your files by many parameters applying filtering expressions. Essentially my WPF user control builds LINQ binary tree lambda expressions to select a subset of items from a list. In terms of C sharp code it can be applied to lists of elements of any given classes. If you need such a filtering expression builder, you're welcome to use my component in your projects. Any changes and improvements would be also very much appreciated.

    Please, take a look at this:

    I think you may find it useful and interesting.

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/108985.html

  2. My open source project

    Date: 01/07/13     Keywords: google


    I want to share with you my open source project.

    The purpose of my project is to demonstrate my visual filter builder WPF control in use. FilesFilter application allows you to filter your files by many parameters applying filtering expressions. Essentially my WPF user control builds LINQ binary tree lambda expressions to select a subset of items from a list. In terms of C sharp code it can be applied to lists of elements of any given classes. If you need such a filtering expression builder, you're welcome to use my component in your projects. Any changes and improvements would be also very much appreciated.

    Please, take a look at this:

    I think you may find it useful and interesting.

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/108985.html

  3. Any DBAs in the New York area looking for work?

    Date: 07/12/11     Keywords: sql, web


    Hey all, I am trying to hire a DBA in NYC that has a background in MS SQL Server 2005/2008. If you're interested or know someone who might be please pass their resume along via the link above. Thanks!

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/108669.html

  4. Any DBAs in the New York area looking for work?

    Date: 07/12/11     Keywords: sql, web


    Hey all, I am trying to hire a DBA in NYC that has a background in MS SQL Server 2005/2008. If you're interested or know someone who might be please pass their resume along via the link above. Thanks!

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/108669.html

  5. .Net custom control help

    Date: 02/23/11     Keywords: asp, java, seo, google

    I want to use a SEO friendly link button on my page. Mind you i am sure that the page is really not all that accessible as the page I am linking to will still have javascript running on it - but thats besides the point. The correct way to do this would be to put the href thats generated by a link button into the onclick event and return void or false or whatever. And then have a SEO / accessibility friendly URL in the HREF. This seems to be what Google recommends and t seems to make sense to me.

    I found this nifty .CS file here - http://files.codes-sources.com/fichier.aspx?id=44402&f=CrawlableLinkButton.cs. Essentially it inherits a linkbutton and adds a NavigateUrl parameter to it so that I can put whatever href I want in there. Awesome. Just what I was looking for.

    Trouble is I have no idea how to include it in my code. I feel ashamed for admitting my ignorance here. I can register a control at the top of the page, but I think I need to either use a .dll (like I do with things like the AjaxToolKit) and then reference the assembly name and the namespace. Or I can register an ascx control, and set the tagname and the src. How do I reference this .cs file in the aspx page the way this dude does? I feel like I am missing something so obvious.

    For example:
    <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="videocontrol" src="~/controls/videocontrol.ascx" %>

    Assume for the moment I have the file stored in ~/controls/CrawlableLinkButton.cs, and I want to refer to his control as he does:
    ' />

    Any help here? I am a bit thick and getting more and more tired. I know deep down I am a good .Net developer, honest - so why can I not figure out the little things?

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/108052.html

  6. .Net custom control help

    Date: 02/23/11     Keywords: asp, java, seo, google

    I want to use a SEO friendly link button on my page. Mind you i am sure that the page is really not all that accessible as the page I am linking to will still have javascript running on it - but thats besides the point. The correct way to do this would be to put the href thats generated by a link button into the onclick event and return void or false or whatever. And then have a SEO / accessibility friendly URL in the HREF. This seems to be what Google recommends and t seems to make sense to me.

    I found this nifty .CS file here - http://files.codes-sources.com/fichier.aspx?id=44402&f=CrawlableLinkButton.cs. Essentially it inherits a linkbutton and adds a NavigateUrl parameter to it so that I can put whatever href I want in there. Awesome. Just what I was looking for.

    Trouble is I have no idea how to include it in my code. I feel ashamed for admitting my ignorance here. I can register a control at the top of the page, but I think I need to either use a .dll (like I do with things like the AjaxToolKit) and then reference the assembly name and the namespace. Or I can register an ascx control, and set the tagname and the src. How do I reference this .cs file in the aspx page the way this dude does? I feel like I am missing something so obvious.

    For example:
    <%@ Register Assembly="AjaxControlToolkit" Namespace="AjaxControlToolkit" TagPrefix="asp" %>

    <%@ Register TagPrefix="uc1" TagName="videocontrol" src="~/controls/videocontrol.ascx" %>

    Assume for the moment I have the file stored in ~/controls/CrawlableLinkButton.cs, and I want to refer to his control as he does:
    ' />

    Any help here? I am a bit thick and getting more and more tired. I know deep down I am a good .Net developer, honest - so why can I not figure out the little things?

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/108052.html

  7. Socket Programming

    Date: 02/09/11     Keywords: asp, web, microsoft


    I have created a socket connection as described on MDSN web site:
    client: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bew39x2a(v=VS.85).aspx
    server: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fx6588te(v=VS.85).aspx

    It works fine. Events here are:
    1) Client sends request
    2) Server receives it
    3) Server sends response
    4) Server shutdown the socket
    5) Client receives response

    Then, I know, that between 2) an 3) might be a time gap. I want to send few interim responses like:
    2a) Server sends response: Still working on your request.
    The problem here is that I cannot send a response without shutting down the socket, but as I shout it down I am not able to send neither 3) nor another 2a)

    Is it possible for client to get response without closing the socket connection? Something like .flush()?

    corresponding piece of code:

       public class MathTask {
          public string inputData;
          public int MaxTryCount;
          public int DelayBetweenNotificationsSec;
          public bool complete = false;
          public MathTask(string _data, int _maxTry, int _delayBetweenNotifications) {
             inputData = _data;
             MaxTryCount = _maxTry;
             DelayBetweenNotificationsSec = _delayBetweenNotifications;
             complete = false;
          private static void Send(Socket handler, MathTask taskData)
             // Convert the string data to byte data using ASCII encoding.
             byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(taskData.inputData);
             if (taskData.complete || (taskData.MaxTryCount <= 0))
             { // final sending
                // Begin sending the data to the remote device.
                IAsyncResult res = handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,
                    new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), handler);
             { // interim (notification) sending
                // Begin sending the data to the remote device.
                StateObject so = new StateObject();
                so.workSocket = handler;
                IAsyncResult res = handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,
                    new AsyncCallback(SendInterimCallback), so);
          // after sending notification (task is running)
          private static void SendInterimCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
                // Retrieve the socket from the state object.
                StateObject so = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
                int bytesSent = so.workSocket.EndSend(ar);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent {0} bytes to client.", bytesSent);
                // client receives response ONLY AFTER this statement
             catch (Exception e)

    Thanks for response, the problem solved.

    That was not the server, but the client. Take a look at ReceiveCallback:
    private static void ReceiveCallback( IAsyncResult ar ) {
            try {
                // Retrieve the state object and the client socket 
                // from the asynchronous state object.
                StateObject state = (StateObject) ar.AsyncState;
                Socket client = state.workSocket;
                // Read data from the remote device.
                int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(ar);
                if (bytesRead > 0) {
                    // There might be more data, so store the data received so far.
                    // Get the rest of the data.
                        new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), state);
                } else {
                    // All the data has arrived; put it in response.
                    if (state.sb.Length > 1) {
                        response = state.sb.ToString();
                    // Signal that all bytes have been received.
            } catch (Exception e) {

    If client reads any bytesRead more than 0, it will store it in buffer and keep waiting for more data to come. Only when 0 bytes read it calls receiveDone.Set(); which finalize the receive process. Now I understand why it was working only after socket became closed.

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/107817.html

  8. Socket Programming

    Date: 02/09/11     Keywords: asp, web, microsoft


    I have created a socket connection as described on MDSN web site:
    client: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bew39x2a(v=VS.85).aspx
    server: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/fx6588te(v=VS.85).aspx

    It works fine. Events here are:
    1) Client sends request
    2) Server receives it
    3) Server sends response
    4) Server shutdown the socket
    5) Client receives response

    Then, I know, that between 2) an 3) might be a time gap. I want to send few interim responses like:
    2a) Server sends response: Still working on your request.
    The problem here is that I cannot send a response without shutting down the socket, but as I shout it down I am not able to send neither 3) nor another 2a)

    Is it possible for client to get response without closing the socket connection? Something like .flush()?

    corresponding piece of code:

       public class MathTask {
          public string inputData;
          public int MaxTryCount;
          public int DelayBetweenNotificationsSec;
          public bool complete = false;
          public MathTask(string _data, int _maxTry, int _delayBetweenNotifications) {
             inputData = _data;
             MaxTryCount = _maxTry;
             DelayBetweenNotificationsSec = _delayBetweenNotifications;
             complete = false;
          private static void Send(Socket handler, MathTask taskData)
             // Convert the string data to byte data using ASCII encoding.
             byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(taskData.inputData);
             if (taskData.complete || (taskData.MaxTryCount <= 0))
             { // final sending
                // Begin sending the data to the remote device.
                IAsyncResult res = handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,
                    new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), handler);
             { // interim (notification) sending
                // Begin sending the data to the remote device.
                StateObject so = new StateObject();
                so.workSocket = handler;
                IAsyncResult res = handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,
                    new AsyncCallback(SendInterimCallback), so);
          // after sending notification (task is running)
          private static void SendInterimCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
                // Retrieve the socket from the state object.
                StateObject so = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
                int bytesSent = so.workSocket.EndSend(ar);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent {0} bytes to client.", bytesSent);
                // client receives response ONLY AFTER this statement
             catch (Exception e)

    Thanks for response, the problem solved.

    That was not the server, but the client. Take a look at ReceiveCallback:
    private static void ReceiveCallback( IAsyncResult ar ) {
            try {
                // Retrieve the state object and the client socket 
                // from the asynchronous state object.
                StateObject state = (StateObject) ar.AsyncState;
                Socket client = state.workSocket;
                // Read data from the remote device.
                int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(ar);
                if (bytesRead > 0) {
                    // There might be more data, so store the data received so far.
                    // Get the rest of the data.
                        new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), state);
                } else {
                    // All the data has arrived; put it in response.
                    if (state.sb.Length > 1) {
                        response = state.sb.ToString();
                    // Signal that all bytes have been received.
            } catch (Exception e) {

    If client reads any bytesRead more than 0, it will store it in buffer and keep waiting for more data to come. Only when 0 bytes read it calls receiveDone.Set(); which finalize the receive process. Now I understand why it was working only after socket became closed.

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/107817.html

  9. Marshaling a union with a pointer

    Date: 08/05/10     Keywords: linux

    I am using Mono on Linux, and want to marshal the following unmanaged structure to a native one:

    int 	type
    union {
       guint32   u
       gint32   i
       gboolean   b
       gdouble   d
       gchar *   s
    } 	value

    According to Mono's excellent page on native-library interop, the way to deal with unions is to use StructLayoutAttribute with LayoutKind.Explicit and specify a FieldOffsetAttribute that is the same for all union members. So you might do something similar to this:

    public struct Rpc {
     [FieldOffset(0)] public int type;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public uint value_u;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public int value_i;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public bool value_b;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public double value_d;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public string value_s;

    The problem however is this, the Mono runtime crashes when this code is run, complaining that: "you cannot have a reference field that is the same offset as another field" in an [ExplicitLayout] structure. I assume this is referring to the last member of the union which is a pointer. Thing is, I'm not sure how else to do this.

    I thought about just having a "public object value;" member of the structure, and then casting this as appropriate in managed code, but the runtime apparently cannot marshal to a vanilla object this way.


    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/107180.html

  10. Marshaling a union with a pointer

    Date: 08/05/10     Keywords: linux

    I am using Mono on Linux, and want to marshal the following unmanaged structure to a native one:

    int 	type
    union {
       guint32   u
       gint32   i
       gboolean   b
       gdouble   d
       gchar *   s
    } 	value

    According to Mono's excellent page on native-library interop, the way to deal with unions is to use StructLayoutAttribute with LayoutKind.Explicit and specify a FieldOffsetAttribute that is the same for all union members. So you might do something similar to this:

    public struct Rpc {
     [FieldOffset(0)] public int type;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public uint value_u;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public int value_i;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public bool value_b;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public double value_d;
     [FieldOffset(4)] public string value_s;

    The problem however is this, the Mono runtime crashes when this code is run, complaining that: "you cannot have a reference field that is the same offset as another field" in an [ExplicitLayout] structure. I assume this is referring to the last member of the union which is a pointer. Thing is, I'm not sure how else to do this.

    I thought about just having a "public object value;" member of the structure, and then casting this as appropriate in managed code, but the runtime apparently cannot marshal to a vanilla object this way.


    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/107180.html

  11. Help with Error Module

    Date: 07/07/10     Keywords: html, asp, web

    I posted my question here originally last night but I figured I might as well reach out to the LJ crowd to see if anyone here has answers.

    I implemented an error handling httpmodule similar to the one described here:


    If I run the application locally through the Visual Studio Development Server everything works as expected. If I run it through IIS with a wildcard mapping set up in the ISAPI extensions to go to the dotnet dll, and I have the checkbox to "Verify that the file exists" turned off - it works as expected for .aspx files but not for anything else.

    In my web.config I have the following:



    And under IIS errors I have it set up so that 404 errors go to the same 404 URL in web.config.

    The behavior I am expecting is that if I go to appliationname.com/xyz.html and the page does not exist, it is kicked into the error handling code. The error handling module is set up to log the event and I should get an email. And even failing that the 404 page should still load in IIS settings.

    The error handling code does kick in if I go to appliationname.com/xyz.aspx - a page which does not exist. But for any other file extension the 404 processing is handled by IIS. So any error logging I am doing in the HTTPModule is not getting called.

    When I run an HTML page it does get processed to some extent. The code I have in Application_BeginRequest in global.asax does get called. But at the end of that block it stops processing.

    The application I am working on is a migration of older code. I want to be alerted to every 404 that comes through the application so that I can see if we missed anything. I could potentially get this sort of information from the IIS logs or I could try to move the error logging to the code behind of the error pages instead of the HTTPModule. But I shouldn't have to should I? Why won't it process HTML? And why does it work when when running the application through Visual Studio but bot when I run it through IIS?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/106895.html

  12. Help with Error Module

    Date: 07/07/10     Keywords: html, asp, web

    I posted my question here originally last night but I figured I might as well reach out to the LJ crowd to see if anyone here has answers.

    I implemented an error handling httpmodule similar to the one described here:


    If I run the application locally through the Visual Studio Development Server everything works as expected. If I run it through IIS with a wildcard mapping set up in the ISAPI extensions to go to the dotnet dll, and I have the checkbox to "Verify that the file exists" turned off - it works as expected for .aspx files but not for anything else.

    In my web.config I have the following:



    And under IIS errors I have it set up so that 404 errors go to the same 404 URL in web.config.

    The behavior I am expecting is that if I go to appliationname.com/xyz.html and the page does not exist, it is kicked into the error handling code. The error handling module is set up to log the event and I should get an email. And even failing that the 404 page should still load in IIS settings.

    The error handling code does kick in if I go to appliationname.com/xyz.aspx - a page which does not exist. But for any other file extension the 404 processing is handled by IIS. So any error logging I am doing in the HTTPModule is not getting called.

    When I run an HTML page it does get processed to some extent. The code I have in Application_BeginRequest in global.asax does get called. But at the end of that block it stops processing.

    The application I am working on is a migration of older code. I want to be alerted to every 404 that comes through the application so that I can see if we missed anything. I could potentially get this sort of information from the IIS logs or I could try to move the error logging to the code behind of the error pages instead of the HTTPModule. But I shouldn't have to should I? Why won't it process HTML? And why does it work when when running the application through Visual Studio but bot when I run it through IIS?

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/106895.html

  13. Graphics.DrawString

    Date: 04/14/10     Keywords: css, web, google

    I'm getting very frustrated with trying to generate text on images in .Net. Whilst the process to do so is pretty simple, the results one gets simply aren't that satisfactory.

    I have the following code (really very simple, as you can see) in an IHttpHandler, which I call in a loop to iterate through some of the fonts on my system as a proof-of-concept:

    /// Enables processing of HTTP Web requests. /// /// An T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> object that provides references to the /// intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) /// used to service HTTP requests. /// /// /// Looks for a HttpRequest.QueryString"/> item named font and /// renders a 100×30px image of that font name, in that font. /// /// ArgumentNullException"> /// No querystring element font was found. ///
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/png"; string fontName = context.Request.QueryString["font"]; Image img = new Bitmap(Width, Height); using (Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromImage(img)) { graphic.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphic.DrawString( fontName, new Font(fontName, FontSize), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new PointF(0, 0) ); } img.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); }

    So far so good. It does almost exactly what I'd expect it to. But the images it generates are, frankly, shit. The following image is a screengrab of me running this locally (in Google Chrome, not that that matters), with the images on the left and the font name on the right (using CSS to cause it to be in the same size and font as the image):

    Screengrab of results

    So why is GDI+ generating the text bolder (darker) than it should be. I understand that it won't necessarily be as beautiful as the ClearType-rendered text, but the weight of the font is just damn wrong!

    So how do I get GDI+ to play ball? Anyone?

    If you don't want to leave thoughts as a comment on here, feel free to email me (owen dot blacker at iris hyphen digital dot com). Cross-posted to owenblacker and ms_dot_net.

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/106659.html

  14. Graphics.DrawString

    Date: 04/14/10     Keywords: css, web, google

    I'm getting very frustrated with trying to generate text on images in .Net. Whilst the process to do so is pretty simple, the results one gets simply aren't that satisfactory.

    I have the following code (really very simple, as you can see) in an IHttpHandler, which I call in a loop to iterate through some of the fonts on my system as a proof-of-concept:

    /// Enables processing of HTTP Web requests. /// /// An T:System.Web.HttpContext"/> object that provides references to the /// intrinsic server objects (for example, Request, Response, Session, and Server) /// used to service HTTP requests. /// /// /// Looks for a HttpRequest.QueryString"/> item named font and /// renders a 100×30px image of that font name, in that font. /// /// ArgumentNullException"> /// No querystring element font was found. ///
    public void ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) { context.Response.ContentType = "image/png"; string fontName = context.Request.QueryString["font"]; Image img = new Bitmap(Width, Height); using (Graphics graphic = Graphics.FromImage(img)) { graphic.SmoothingMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.SmoothingMode.HighQuality; graphic.DrawString( fontName, new Font(fontName, FontSize), new SolidBrush(Color.Black), new PointF(0, 0) ); } img.Save(context.Response.OutputStream, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); }

    So far so good. It does almost exactly what I'd expect it to. But the images it generates are, frankly, shit. The following image is a screengrab of me running this locally (in Google Chrome, not that that matters), with the images on the left and the font name on the right (using CSS to cause it to be in the same size and font as the image):

    Screengrab of results

    So why is GDI+ generating the text bolder (darker) than it should be. I understand that it won't necessarily be as beautiful as the ClearType-rendered text, but the weight of the font is just damn wrong!

    So how do I get GDI+ to play ball? Anyone?

    If you don't want to leave thoughts as a comment on here, feel free to email me (owen dot blacker at iris hyphen digital dot com). Cross-posted to owenblacker and ms_dot_net.

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/106659.html

  15. Custom validator in a custom control

    Date: 01/21/10     Keywords: programming, java

    I am programming a control that will have a custom validator in it. The control will be called on a page inside a repeater. I was hoping to have client validation on this custom validator. If I do this, when the page is rendered, won't the javascript function names be repeated and won't that cause an error? Is there a way around this and does anyone have any example code I can look at?

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/106272.html

  16. Custom validator in a custom control

    Date: 01/21/10     Keywords: programming, java

    I am programming a control that will have a custom validator in it. The control will be called on a page inside a repeater. I was hoping to have client validation on this custom validator. If I do this, when the page is rendered, won't the javascript function names be repeated and won't that cause an error? Is there a way around this and does anyone have any example code I can look at?

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/106272.html

  17. LINQ beginner

    Date: 12/12/09     Keywords: no keywords

    I have a pair of LINQ "group" statements, each outputs a IEnumerable>. Call these results a and b. I want to create four collections of ints, The ones that correspond to "a.Key && b.Key", "a.Key && !b.Key", "!a.Key && b.Key", "!a.Key && !b.Key".

    I can convert a and b to Dictionaries with the ToDictionary extension method and have code like...

    var foo = from aa in aMap[true] join bb in bMap[true] on aa equals bb select aa;

    ...but then I need to check the dictionary keys exists, which is not a huge overhead but I can't help thinking there must be some way of "join"ing a and b directly...?

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/105845.html

  18. LINQ beginner

    Date: 12/12/09     Keywords: no keywords

    I have a pair of LINQ "group" statements, each outputs a IEnumerable>. Call these results a and b. I want to create four collections of ints, The ones that correspond to "a.Key && b.Key", "a.Key && !b.Key", "!a.Key && b.Key", "!a.Key && !b.Key".

    I can convert a and b to Dictionaries with the ToDictionary extension method and have code like...

    var foo = from aa in aMap[true] join bb in bMap[true] on aa equals bb select aa;

    ...but then I need to check the dictionary keys exists, which is not a huge overhead but I can't help thinking there must be some way of "join"ing a and b directly...?

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/105845.html

  19. NMock2 question

    Date: 11/18/09     Keywords: no keywords

    Is it possible in NMock2 to expect one of two different methods, A() or B(), on a mock to be called?

    If there was a way to check how many times a given method had already been called, I could just


    ..and then test to see if one of them had been called and forcibly call the other so the expectations would be met. Ugly but good enough, but I don't think NMock2 mocks expose any interface that allows that the number of calls to be tested?

    Source: http://csharp.livejournal.com/105589.html

  20. NMock2 question

    Date: 11/18/09     Keywords: no keywords

    Is it possible in NMock2 to expect one of two different methods, A() or B(), on a mock to be called?

    If there was a way to check how many times a given method had already been called, I could just


    ..and then test to see if one of them had been called and forcibly call the other so the expectations would be met. Ugly but good enough, but I don't think NMock2 mocks expose any interface that allows that the number of calls to be tested?

    Source: https://csharp.livejournal.com/105589.html

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