Socket Programming

    Date: 02/09/11 (C Sharp)    Keywords: asp, web, microsoft


    I have created a socket connection as described on MDSN web site:

    It works fine. Events here are:
    1) Client sends request
    2) Server receives it
    3) Server sends response
    4) Server shutdown the socket
    5) Client receives response

    Then, I know, that between 2) an 3) might be a time gap. I want to send few interim responses like:
    2a) Server sends response: Still working on your request.
    The problem here is that I cannot send a response without shutting down the socket, but as I shout it down I am not able to send neither 3) nor another 2a)

    Is it possible for client to get response without closing the socket connection? Something like .flush()?

    corresponding piece of code:

       public class MathTask {
          public string inputData;
          public int MaxTryCount;
          public int DelayBetweenNotificationsSec;
          public bool complete = false;
          public MathTask(string _data, int _maxTry, int _delayBetweenNotifications) {
             inputData = _data;
             MaxTryCount = _maxTry;
             DelayBetweenNotificationsSec = _delayBetweenNotifications;
             complete = false;
          private static void Send(Socket handler, MathTask taskData)
             // Convert the string data to byte data using ASCII encoding.
             byte[] byteData = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(taskData.inputData);
             if (taskData.complete || (taskData.MaxTryCount <= 0))
             { // final sending
                // Begin sending the data to the remote device.
                IAsyncResult res = handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,
                    new AsyncCallback(SendCallback), handler);
             { // interim (notification) sending
                // Begin sending the data to the remote device.
                StateObject so = new StateObject();
                so.workSocket = handler;
                IAsyncResult res = handler.BeginSend(byteData, 0, byteData.Length, 0,
                    new AsyncCallback(SendInterimCallback), so);
          // after sending notification (task is running)
          private static void SendInterimCallback(IAsyncResult ar)
                // Retrieve the socket from the state object.
                StateObject so = (StateObject)ar.AsyncState;
                int bytesSent = so.workSocket.EndSend(ar);
                Console.WriteLine("Sent {0} bytes to client.", bytesSent);
                // client receives response ONLY AFTER this statement
             catch (Exception e)

    Thanks for response, the problem solved.

    That was not the server, but the client. Take a look at ReceiveCallback:
    private static void ReceiveCallback( IAsyncResult ar ) {
            try {
                // Retrieve the state object and the client socket 
                // from the asynchronous state object.
                StateObject state = (StateObject) ar.AsyncState;
                Socket client = state.workSocket;
                // Read data from the remote device.
                int bytesRead = client.EndReceive(ar);
                if (bytesRead > 0) {
                    // There might be more data, so store the data received so far.
                    // Get the rest of the data.
                        new AsyncCallback(ReceiveCallback), state);
                } else {
                    // All the data has arrived; put it in response.
                    if ( > 1) {
                        response =;
                    // Signal that all bytes have been received.
            } catch (Exception e) {

    If client reads any bytesRead more than 0, it will store it in buffer and keep waiting for more data to come. Only when 0 bytes read it calls receiveDone.Set(); which finalize the receive process. Now I understand why it was working only after socket became closed.


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