A little HTML Help Pls!

    Date: 07/24/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html

    Hi I've just joined this community & this is my first question. I consider myself an HTML novice, just so you know.

    I'm trying to make the user profile of a community I maintain more user friendly. In that vein, I'd like to install little tags/links/jumps (not sure of the right term) so that right underneath the large writing which demands that you read the rules, "So READ THEM" there will be little clickable words which will take you directly to the section of the page you want to read: emergency, rules, warning, maintainers. and then at the end of each section a little word/tag/jump/whatever that says "back to top".

    Basically, I need to know the code for doing both the "go to"s and the "back to top"s.

    I hope this makes sense to someone here!

    Thanks in advance,

    xo M.

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2337992.html

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