Very frustrated :

    Date: 10/31/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Hello :> I have been trying to customize my journal (( and I seem successful in all the global heads except for the background imaging one. Under the cut is what I have in my customizing box ((re-coded, of course)) and everytime I press 'save changes', everything else works fine, except that the BG doesn't show. At all, no matter how many times I look it over and try to figure out what's wrong. Can someone help me? Idk if I'm using the correct global head for BG imaging so if I'm not, can you let me know what the correct coding is? Thanks a bunch.





    LASTN_TALK_READLINK=>%%messagecount%% CaptainJack%%mc-plural-s%%


    SIZE=3>(%%readlink%% ♥ UnleashTheKRACKEN!)



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