Myspace Coding question

    Date: 12/06/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: no keywords

    Mmkay, so I'm usually pretty decent with my coding skeelz - but I can't seem to find what I need, nor can I seem to find it anywhere.

    I've seen it done before, when you go to a profile, there will be thumbnails of peoples friends, or whatever, and then when you hover over a thumbnail, to the left / right / upper center / lower center of the area in which the thumbnails are located - a larger version of the same picture shows up.

    I can't seem to describe it, and I can't find a page that had it, and it's making me kind of angry. I know that there's a way to do that with your entire proflie, but instead of just pictures, you can have links that change the information that's on your page, so if you click on where it says 'about me' to the left / right / upper center / lower center, you get your about me, same with 'who i'd like to meet' and things of the like

    I fail at explaining, but either of the two codes would be fantastic, that - or I've got weeks worth of Goole-ing ahead of me.



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