Layout help

    Date: 12/17/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, asp, security

    I found some LiveJournal layouts that I adore...the only problem is that I like certain aspects of each of those layouts.

    • I like the layout of this one

    • The background of this one

    • And, just to make things more complicated, I wanted to fit this banner in somewhere

    So, I fiddled with the overrides, using W3Schools as my security blanket because I am by no means an HTML expert. I also used '[info]'overridehelp to help with fitting in my header, using both this, this and this.

    After fiddling for hours, my journal is a mess. I have a couple questions:

    • Can these layouts even be combined?

    • If so...

      • How can I make the tabs fit below the banner?

      • How can I move the default icon to be in line with the sidebar?

      • How can I move the sidebar?

      • How can I center the entries and the sidebar?

    Thank you!


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