Bad Code, No Biscuit.

    Date: 12/21/06 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html

    I humbly beg for some form of assistance from you kind and gentle people. I was given some code by an acquaintance to put a grey background around the icons I wanted to display. I posted it to my LJ for future reference here and tried to alter it a little bit to better suit my needs. Apparently I changed something that I shouldn't have or didn't change something that I should have when I altered it. I tried not to mess about with it too much since I'm not HTML savvy, but I would really like some help figuring out what I did wrong so my LJ will load right. Could someone take a look at the code and see what's wrong.

    The original code can be found in the comments here, though I'd love to know how he made the little box the code came in but I'm a bit afraid to ask. :)



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