Like facebook, but...

    Date: 04/04/07 (HTML Help)    Keywords: html, web

    I want some computer based way to track celebrity names, photos, and connecting the films and shows I learn they're names in. Notepad and Access and Excel are insufficient and clumbsy for my needs.
    What I truely envision is a web app like Facebook. It would allow me to make each individual connection myself. I don't simply want a pinboard in my room which I stick magazine cutouts to. That's completely not my lifestyle, having no magazines, and am very much zenning one with my computer. Surely others must have managing all the actor connections as they read them. It won't flow right as a mere list in notepad. I want some structure that does all the linking for me. Like facebook, but without the need to return friendships or any of that. Just some simple starting point that begins empty. Hey-, What Can I Say? I like computers. The problem is if I simply make my own cumbersome HTML webpage on my own harddrive from scratch, with or without my Dreamweaver webpage making program, I don't want to just link to IMDb profiles. There, it's prefilled with all 100 different movies I never heard of before. I need to start blank, and fill in, connect the dots, like facebook. But for celebrities. In other words, simple. Not with a thousand functions to overwhelm me, like a robust HTML editing program.

    Help me, computerusers.

    Does such a site exist?


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