hello everyone

    Date: 05/18/07 (HTML Help)    Keywords: browser, html, java

    Hi there, joined this community hoping that somebody (who is very nice and quite possibly very smart) could help me with my html problem....

    i'm making a entrance pages and main page as image maps, no problems there.

    but i've always put them in normal html and resized the image to look best in IE or other browsers....which normally doesn't even look that good.

    i've seen other sites that use javascript in order to opena window that is independant of a browser....and a specific size that doesn't have to fit within the browser window....

    how do i do this? i've looked up a few different help sites, but got rather confused with what goes where and how to actually format the Javascript code...so if somebody could break it down or lead me to a fairly understandable site then i would be very much grateful....

    or you could add me on msn and talk to me that way and i'll express my undying gratitude :D??

    ta much everyone xxx

    Source: http://community.livejournal.com/htmlhelp/2397769.html

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