Help with LJ layout

    Date: 05/25/07 (HTML Help)    Keywords: css

    I have no clue what I'm doing, so I was wondering if someone could help me out. I need to modify the layout found here so that it has this picture and background color. There's a code at the first link that I assume is supposed to be pasted into the custom CSS section (which I have never used) after it's edited for use with my journal.

    I would like someone to edit the code so that it will have my new image and work in my journal, then tell me how to install it. I tried to edit the code myself, but I had way too many questions on things that I'm sure are basic for a lot of you.

    Header image
    Background image

    Previw of what my journal should look like:

    EDIT: As you can see if you look at my journal, I tried to achieve the same basic idea with the layout I already had, but it's a disaster. Can somebody please help me fix it? The layout I'm using is "Quite Lickable."


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